This video explains how to generate pages in InDesign, something that I think will be useful as the basis of this program. I don't totally understand the layout of the pages you generate or the importance of it, but I have a feeling it won't be too hard to learn. This video also explains layers, which I am already famliar with having worked with Adobe products before. It was cool learning about in this video and in class how you can make a preset that you can use to affect all objects marked with that preset, or turn objects into that preset. For example, having a text preset that makes it red and underlined. It reminds me of how you can use styles on Google Docs to affect text with presets, which is something I use a lot.
Both our teacher and the guy in this video recommended we set the workspace too Essentials Classic, which I appreciate. It's cool how you can have the pages set to be numbered in a specific spot without having to number each specific page. I like how he uses the tool guide, I feel like that would make it much easier when trying to set up pages cleanly. I always appreciate when you can choose the numbers and the rows that appear in a guide or a chart. Overall, the table of contents he creates in this video looks very clean and professional. I can imagine that InDesign might help a lot even if you were doing something like creating an online book.
This video directly explains how you could create a book in InDesign, which I appreciate. She explained how to use the image frame tool, which we used in Digital Media class and would be good for use of a book cover. She also helped me understand the overlay feature of the pages which I wasn't quite able to grasp yet. I never understand why would when generating text it would be filled with a gobbledygook of meaningless words, but the girl in this video explained that its a placeholder text and lets you see what it would look like. That's something I hadn't considered and I can see that it's useful.
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