The guy in the video made a point to explain the history tab, which I haven't seen or used before. I want to try it, because I figure it will give me more control then just constantly using command+z. I am worried that it is going to be annoying and hard to use though. I think it was interesting that he made a point of saying that there you can monetize your ability to photoshop. Our Digital Media teacher also made a mention of this, I wasn't aware it was actually lucrative business.
In this video she explained generative fill, and showed an example of how to turn a baby stroller into a dog. I think I will try to avoid using this tool whenever I can because of it's basis in unethical A.I., but I might have to do more research. I appreciated her pointing out how to pin the bar into position, the way the bar always moved around is a bit annoying.
In this video the guy talks about how you can use the remove tool to loop around an object and remove it while Photoshop automatically fills it in. This could definitely be a short cut for some of the processes we used in class today, where we learned how to remove watermarks among other things by using the clone stamp tool. I'm not sure how much more effective the remove tool will be versus the remove stamp tool, but it looks like it will be boringly easy.
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