Without knowing the context, my first thought is that the girl in this photo looks vulnerable. This does not look like someone strong, and it doesn't even look like someone without fear. That's what makes it interesting, because there IS strength in this girl. I think it comes from how she stares, dead on, looking right at you. This is a person that looks like they might be scared and uneasy, someone without any real power, but the strength of this picture comes from how she puts this vulnerability on display any refuses to move. It feels like someone who will not move no matter what you do.
   With context, we learn this this is a girl named Anastasia who is an activist for LGBT rights in Russia. This makes what we glean from just the photo even more powerful. This person obviously can't put up an image that will make her look as strong as the prejudice that exists in Russia, and especially the prejudice that exists all across the world. What makes her powerful then is the fact of her simply presenting her face, with no facade. Despite all the issues this person has faced, even being put in jail, Anastasia still continues to show herself. 

    This is a picture I took of myself while I was outside at night, alone. I propped my phone against a chair, set the timer for 10 seconds, then adjusted the color to get that picture. I think the picture evokes a lot through its aesthetic. You can't see my face, but you can clearly see my back and how it looks like I'm hunched over. The shadows are deep on my body, but it still allows you to see the outline of my being. It's also unclear what exactly I am looking at, if anything. I think it paints this portrait of someone alone, overwhelmed by life and the simple beauty of the darkness that's in front of him. The gleam on the floor I'm siting on also contrasts with my body. Its like the moon would rather shine on the ground than me, like I'm outside of life, but still observing it because I can't truly leave. I'm detached, but still in this world, like I'm dissociating.
